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Working for the Local Community

About Pembridge Parish Council

Pembridge Parish Council comprises 13 unpaid members elected from within the parish and a paid clerk who acts as advisor and administrator. Its primary concerns are with planning, highways, traffic, community safety, housing, street lighting, playing fields, litter, seats, shelters and rights of way.

The Councillors are required to complete Notice of Registerable Interests forms and these can be viewed on at Herefordshire Council’s website.

The Council raises money through taxation (the precept) which is collected via the Council Tax. For the year 2024-25, the precept is set at £37500. £7500 will be held in reserve for tarmacking the car park. For details of the precept allocation see Reports.

Parishioners can raise questions or submit comments at any time via the Contact facility on this website. You can also Register for email notification of forthcoming council meetings and other events.

As the site develops we hope it will become the local access point for Pembridge related matters and Local Authority services.

Next Parish Council Meeting

The next Ordinary Parish Council Meetng will be held on Wednesday 17th Jul, 2024 at 7:30 PM

This meeting will be held at Pembridge Parish Hall. Members of the public are welcome to attend; please see the agenda for more details.

Download the agenda for this meeting:  Download

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